A Night At The Opera is Queen's fourth studio album, named after the Marx Brothers' film of the same name.
All of Queen's previous albums were recorded at the Trident Studios, London, but due to management issues, Queen had not received (almost) any of the money they earned. Subsequently, Queen ended their contract with Trident, so A Night AT The Opera was recorded through 1975 at The Trident Studio (London), Olympic Studio (London), Rockfield Studio (Monmouthshire), Lansdowne Theatre (Kensington), Sarm Studio (East London), Roundhouse Studio (Camden) and Scorpio Studio (Camden).
A Night At The Opera saw Queen apply a complex production that extensively used multi-tracking recording incorporating a wide range of styles from ballads, music hall, hard rock and progressive rock. Similarly, the band also incorporated a diverse range of instruments (double bass, harp and Ukulele to name but a few).
For the purpose of this week's Queen Quiz, all questions are based on the original UK release.

Last Week's Queen Quiz
In our last quiz, we posed five questions asking if you could identify the correct song from the opening lines.
Did you participate and get all 5?
If you missed it, you can find it here
Missed A Quiz?
We first started to produce our weekly midweek Queen quiz in May 2019.
Our Queen quizzes can be found here
Latest News From Queen Tribute Band - Majesty
To find out where Majesty - A Tribute to Queen are performing, check out their tour page
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Did you know that Rob Lea has released his very own original music?
Check out his website for more details.